Biotechnology Research Exhibition

Monday, June 3, 2024

On-Campus : CMS Lobby
9:00 am - 11:00 am Campus Life Biotechnology Research Exhibition
Three biotechnology students talking to an older woman about their research presentation

Our students have been working hard all semester. That's why we invite you to join us Monday, June 3rd, over on East Campus at Center for Math & Science Building for LAMC's annual research exhibition! 

Presentations will explore topics such as “Gene Glow Up: Production of Porcine Proinsulin Fused with GFP,” “Clone Wars: Green vs Blue Cloning,” “Baconomics: Unveiling Porcine Insulin through cDNA Cloning,” “Eclipsed Brilliance: Shedding Light on Stealth GFP for DNA Cloning,” and “Whodunit? An Educational 'Crime Scene DNA Analysis' Kit.” 

Monday, June 3rd
9–11:00 am

Center for Math & Science (CMS) Building — Lower-level Lobby (See Campus Map)

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