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Art History

Art history is the study of visual art in its many forms, from ancient cave paintings to contemporary digital works. It explores how art reflects and shapes human experience, culture, politics, religion, and identity over time. Through the analysis of paintings, sculptures, architecture, photography, and other media, art historians examine not only the aesthetic and technical aspects of works but also their historical and social contexts.

The discipline encompasses a wide range of periods, from the classical art of ancient Greece and Rome to the innovations of the Renaissance, from African sculpture to East Asian ink painting, from Indigenous art practices to the avant-garde movements of Latin America and the dynamic movements of Modernism and contemporary art. Art history is interdisciplinary, drawing from fields such as history, philosophy, anthropology, and sociology to understand how art interacts with and influences the world.

Students of art history gain valuable skills in critical thinking, visual analysis, research, and writing. By studying the evolution of artistic expression across cultures and continents, they develop a deeper appreciation for how art contributes to shaping societal values, ideologies, and historical narratives worldwide.

With a foundation in both theory and practice, art history prepares students for careers in museums, galleries, education, curation, conservation, and beyond.


Contact Info:

Chair of Art, Media and Performance
Curtis Stage 
Office: AMP 202a

Professor, Art History
Thomas Folland, Ph.D. 
Office: AMP 202e

Link to Program Mapper



Art Course Requirements

Required Core Units

Category 24 Units  
Required Core Units    

ARTHIST 110 Survey of Western Art History I

ARTHIST 120 Survey of Western Art History II 3
ART 201 Drawing I 3
List A: Select one (1) course    
ARTHIST 130 Survey of Asian Art History 3  
ARTHIST 140 Survey of Arts of Africa, Oceania, and Ancient America 3
List B: Select one (1) course    
ART 202† Drawing II 3  
ART 204 Life Drawing I 3
ART 300 Introduction to Painting 3
ART 501 Beginning Two-Dimensional Design 3
ART 502 Beginning Three-Dimensional Design 3
ART 700† Introduction to Sculpture 3
MULTIMD 320 Web Design 3
MULTIMD 610 Introduction to Digital Video Production 3
PHOTO 007 Exploring Digital Photography 3
List C: Select one (1) course    
ANTHRO 102 Human Way of Life: Cultural Anthropology    
ANTHRO 104 Human Language and Communication 3-5
ANTHRO 121 Anthropology of Religion, Magic, and Witchcraft 3-5
ARTHIST 126 Introduction to Modern Art 3-5
ARTHIST 161 Introduction to American Art 3-5
ARTHIST 170 History of Contemporary Art 3-5
FRENCH 001 Elementary French I 3-5
HISTORY 086 Introduction to World Civilization I 3-5
HUMAN 001 Cultural Patterns of Western Civilization 3-5
ITALIAN 001 Elementary Italian I 3-5
PHILOS 001 Introduction to Philosophy I 3-5
PHILOS 020 Ethics 3-5
PHILOS 033 Comparative Survey of the World Religions 3-5
SPANISH 001 Elementary Spanish I 3-5
or Any List A or List B course not already used 3-5

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