Teacher in family studies class


Foster and Kinship Education (FKCE)

The Foster and Kinship Education (FKCE) Program provides quality education and support opportunities for caregivers of children and youth in out-of-home care so that these providers may meet the educational, emotional, behavioral and developmental needs of children and youth.The FKCE Program is a statewide program funded by the California Community College Chancellor's Office. This program provides a wide variety of training programs for resource parents through 53 California Community Colleges . There are 17 Community Colleges in Los Angeles county that provide the FKCE program. The FKCE programs in Los Angeles works collaboratively with the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services on curriculum for resource parents.

Resource parents are required by the state and county to have pre-service training before children are placed in their homes and, annual renewal training, each year thereafter. In order to help resource parents meet these annual training needs, Los Angeles Mission College's (LAMC) FKCE Program offers a variety of training topics which meet state, county and current California Resource Family Approval (RFA) written directives annual training guidelines.

Included in the training topics that are offered are the 12 hour Specialized Care increment Training for Resource Parents who care for medically challenged foster children and/or behaviorally challenged foster children. Additionally, the FKCE program at LAMC offeres W-Rate (Whole Foster Family Home training to care for parenting teens in foster care) pre-service training, Resource Family Approval (RFA) annual renewal training, Higher Education training as well Specialized Training for resource parents and is available in both English and Spanish.

Contact Us


Instructional 1007


Email: granadmi@laccd.edu
Phone: (818) 364-7736
Phone: (818) 364-7600 x7135