LAMC College Building

Cost of College

2024‐2025 Estimated Cost of Attendance
Costs Paid Directly to the College FALL & SPRING SUMMER
Tuition & Fees $1,166 $297
Books and Supplies* $1,062 $531
Direct Costs Total: $2,228 $828
Costs Not Paid Directly to the College FALL & SPRING SUMMER
Living Expenses $10,118 $2,200
Transportation $1,791 $358
Personal $4,059 $850
Indirect Costs Total $15,968 $3,408

Direct and Indirect Total:

*Costs vary depending on course, new, used, rental and e-books

$18,196 $4,236
Costs Paid Directly to the College FALL & SPRING SUMMER
Tuition & Fees $1,166 $297
Books and Supplies* $1,062 $531
Direct Costs Total: $2,228 $828
Costs Not Paid Directly to the College FALL & SPRING SUMMER
Living Expenses $14,000 $2,800
Transportation $1,962 $654
Personal $4,059 $1,656

Indirect Costs Total:

$20,021 $5,110

Direct and Indirect Total:

*Costs vary depending on course, new, used, rental and e-books

$22,249 $5,938
Costs Paid Directly to the College FALL & SPRING SUMMER
Tuition & Fees $8,678 $2,175
Books and Supplies* $1,062 $531
Direct Costs Total: $9,740 $2,706
Costs Not Paid to the College FALL & SPRING SUMMER
Living Expenses $10,118 $2,200
Transportation $1,791 $597
Personal $4,059 $1,353
Indirect Costs Total $15,968 $4,150

Direct and Indirect Total

*Costs vary depending on course, new, used, rental and e-books.

$25,708 $6,856
Costs Paid Directly to the College FALL & SPRING SUMMER
Tuition & Fees $8,678 $2,175
Books and Supplies* $1,062 $531
Direct Costs Total: $9,740 $2,706
Costs Not Paid Directly to the College FALL & SPRING SUMMER
Living Expenses $20,375 $4,075
Transportation $1,962 $654
Personal $4,968 $1,656
Indirect Costs Total: $28,305 $9,672

Direct and Indirect Total:

*Costs vary depending on course, new, used, rental and e-books.

$38,756 $12,378
Costs Directly Paid to the College PER SEMESTER YEAR
Tuition & Fees** $5,680 $11,360
Books and Supplies* $1,062 $2,124
Direct Costs Total $6,742 $13,484
Costs Not Paid Directly to the College    
Living Expenses*** $10,118 $20,235
Indirect Costs Total: $10,118 $20,235
Direct and Indirect Costs Total: $ 16,860 $33,719

* Costs vary depending on course, new, used, rental and e-books.

** Includes Sevis Fee, Student Health Insurance and other fees.

*** Room and Board. Personal and transportation expenses not included.