Federal Financial Aid Programs
The Federal Pell Grant provides gift aid assistance to undergraduates who have not yet earned a baccalaureate or first professional degree and who demonstrate financial need. Awards are based on your Student Aid Index (SAI), as calculated by the results of your FAFSA and enrollment intensity. The maximum annual award is $7,395. Students have a maximum lifetime Pell eligibility of 600% (equivalent to 12 full-time semesters), where 100% is equal to two full-time semesters.
The FSEOG is a federal grant program designed to supplement other sources of financial aid for students with exceptional need. FSEOG awards are based on financial need and fund availability. Priority is given to students enrolled in at least six financial aid approved units. Students must receive Pell Grant funds to receive FSEOG.
Students may be eligible to receive the Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant if:
- They are not eligible for a Federal Pell Grant based on their SAI, but they meet the remaining Federal Pell Grant eligibility requirements and;
- Their parent or guardian was a member of the U.S. Armed Forces and died as a result of military service performed in Iraq or Afghanistan after the events of 9/11 and;
- They were under 24 years old or enrolled in college at least part-time at the time of their parent’s or guardian’s death.
The Federal Work-Study Program (FWS) enables students to earn a portion of their financial aid award through part time employment either on or off campus. To be eligible, a student must meet the eligibility requirements for federal financial aid and must maintain good academic standing while employed under the program. A minimum enrollment level may be required for FWS eligibility. You must meet eligibility standards to work within the LACCD. Check with your college's Financial Aid Office.
A caution about student loans – It takes time for a loan application to be processed by the school, lender, and/or the U.S. Department of Education. Student loan funds are delivered to the student after enrollment and academic progress requirement have been verified. All federal loans require a minimum enrollment of six (6) financial aid approved active units. Loans are sources of financial assistance that allow you to spread the cost of education over time. Federal student loans are not automatically included in students’ award packages. Students are not required to borrow a federal student loan.
Loans are serious legal obligations. They must be repaid. You are obligated to repay the principal plus interest. We urge all first-time borrowers to spend time learning about the loan process and their responsibilities so that they can make informed choices about their education. If you borrow federal student loans, you can track your loans through the Student Aid website.
Federal Direct Loans
The Federal Direct Loans (subsidized and unsubsidized) are loans borrowed directly from the federal government which serves as the lender. The student’s annual borrowing limit may vary based upon the following:
- The amount of unmet need after other financial assistance has been considered;
- The applicant’s grade level in their academic program;
- The applicant’s current level of indebtedness;
- The applicant’s previous delinquent or defaulted loan history
Fees may be charged by the U.S. Department of Education (ED) and deducted from each loan disbursement. Interest rates are set by the U.S. Department of Education (ED) and are fixed rates for the term of the loan.
Subsidized Federal Direct Loans
Students must complete the FAFSA and demonstrate financial need according to the federal formula in order to be eligible for subsidized direct loans. Under this program:
- The federal government will pay the interest on behalf of qualified borrowers for as long as the borrower is enrolled at least half-time in a degree-seeking program.
- Fees may be charged by the U.S. Department of Education and deducted from each loan disbursement. Interest may be charged after the 6-month grace period, after a student drops below half-time, completes their educational program, or withdraws from college.
Unsubsidized Federal Direct Loans
Eligibility for the Unsubsidized Direct Loan is not based on a family’s demonstrated need. The U.S. Department of Education is the lender under this program.
- The government does not pay the interest on behalf of borrowers under the Unsubsidized Direct Loan Program.
- The student borrower can choose either to make periodic payments of interest or have the interest added back into the principal of each loan.
Federal Direct PLUS Loan
A creditworthy parent of a dependent undergraduate can apply for a Federal Direct PLUS loan.
- Federal Direct PLUS loans are not based on demonstrated need and may be used to replace all or portions of the calculated student aid index for students who completed a FAFSA.
- Not all colleges participate in PLUS loans. Contact your Financial Aid Office to learn about loan programs that are offered at your college and learn details about interest rates, fees, repayment terms, etc.
Master Promissory Notes
Before you receive a Federal Direct Loan, you will need to sign a Master Promissory Note (MPN) which is your legally binding promise to repay the loan funds you received. The college will not disburse your Federal Direct Loan until your MPN has been signed/e-signed and approved by the U.S. Department of Education. Students can complete their MPN online at the Student Aid website.
Mandatory Loan Counseling
Entrance Loan Counseling for First-time Borrowers
All first-time Federal Direct Loan borrowers must complete loan entrance counseling. Entrance counseling for direct loans can be completed online at the Student Aid website.
Exit Loan Counseling
All borrowers of Federal Direct loan funds must have exit counseling during their final semester if their enrollment status drops below half-time or if they withdraw from the college. Students will be notified when Exit Loan Counseling needs to be completed. Exit counseling for direct loans can be completed online at the Student Aid website.
Annual Student Loan Acknowledgment
All students & parent borrowers should acknowledge that they have reviewed the student loan history on the Student Aid website.
FSA Loan Disclosure
Please note that any loan borrowed by the student or parent will be submitted to the Federal Student Aid, and will be accessible by guaranty agencies, lenders, and schools determined to be authorized users of the data system.
You can access this information at the Student Aid website.
State Financial Aid Programs
The California College Promise Grant (CCPG) is a financial aid program for California residents attending a California community college. It waives enrollment fees for eligible students, making community college more affordable.
Applicants are not required to be enrolled in a specific number of units or courses to receive the CCPG. The CCPG only waives enrollment fees and no other fees. Approval for the CCPG is district-wide. Your academic standing within the LACCD may impact your ability to receive the CCPG. Since this is a waiver, there are no actual funds to disburse.
Students must meet the general eligibility requirements in addition to the following criteria for the Cal Grant Programs:
- Be a California resident or AB540 eligible
- Attend a Cal Grant participating California college or university
- Have family income and assets below the ceilings
- Not have a bachelor’s or professional degree before receiving a Cal Grant
- Not be incarcerated
- New Cal Grant recipients must submit certification of their high school graduation and confirm their college of attendance to CSAC. Students who are awarded Cal Grants can manage their award through the CSAC WebGrants 4 Students website at mygrantinfo.csac.ca.gov.
Deadline Dates: Entitlement Grants
March 2 - Primary Deadline
September 2 - Second Deadline for community college applicants for Competitive Grants, but we highly recommend that applicants meet the March 2nd deadline when more funding is available. Students must submit their FAFSA (or CADAA for AB540 students) by the applicable deadline to the CSAC. They must also have their verified GPA submitted to CSAC by the applicable deadline. Grade Point Average (GPA) verification for students enrolled within the LACCD will be electronically sent to the Commission by the deadline date for those who meet specific criteria. Your GPA will be electronically uploaded to the California Student Aid Commission via Webgrants for students if you meet the following standards.
- Have completed between 16-23 semester units within the LACCD for a reestablished GPA.
- Have a completed at least 24 college semester units within the LACCD for a Regular College GPA.
- FAFSA applicants should have their social security number on file with the Admissions & Records office to ensure submission.
- Dream Act applicants should ensure that they are coded as an AB540 student with the Admissions & Records Office. Check your student portal to see your submitted GPA. 7 Types of Cal Grants Available Entitlement Grants
Cal Grant A
Provides grant funds to help pay for tuition/fees at qualifying institutions offering baccalaureate degree programs. If you receive a Cal Grant A but are enrolled in an associate degree, transfer, or Certificate of Achievement program, your award will be held in reserve for up to three years until you transfer to a bachelor’s degree program.
Cal Grant B
Provides subsistence payments for new recipients in the amount of $1,648 for a full-time, full year award. Payments are adjusted accordingly for three-quarters and half-time enrollment for each payment period.
Cal Grant B recipients who transfer to a tuition/fee-charging school after completing one or two years at a community college may have their grant increased to include tuition and fees as well as subsistence.
Cal Grant Transfer Entitlement Award – This award is for eligible California Community College students who are transferring to a four-year college and are under the age of 28 as of December 31st of the award year. Competitive Grants
Cal Grant A and B Competitive Awards are used for the same purpose as the entitlement awards, except that they are not guaranteed, and the number of awards is limited.
Cal Grant C
Recipients are selected based on financial need and vocational aptitude. Students must be enrolled in a vocational program at a California Community College, private college, or career technical school in a course of study lasting from four months to two years. The Cal Grant C maximum award amount is $1,094.
Cal Grant Access Award for Students with Dependent Children
Cal Grant student with dependent children attending a University, or California Community College campus may be eligible for an access award of up to $6,000 for qualifying Cal Grant A and B recipients and up to $4,000 for eligible Cal Grant C recipients.
- Dependent children must be under 18 years of age and receive more than 50 percent of their support from the student.
- The student must complete a self-certification on the California Student Aid Commission website, mygrantinfo.csac.ca.gov.
- Your Financial Aid Office is to resolve any conflicting information regarding your eligibility prior to disbursement.
Cal Grant Access Award for Foster Youth
Cal Grant Foster Youth student attending a University, or a California Community College may be eligible for an access award of up to $6,000 for qualifying Cal Grant A and B recipients and up to $4,000 Cal Grant C recipients.
- Be verified as an eligible foster youth by the California Department of Social Services
- Under 26 years of age by July 1 of the award Year.
Students may receive the Cal Grant Access Award for Foster Youth in addition to the Chafee Grant Program. However, students may not receive Access funds as a Student With Dependent children (SWD) in addition to the Access Award for Foster Youth.
The SSCG is offered by the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO) as a supplement to students receiving the state Cal Grant B (Entitlement or Competitive), or Cal Grant C.
Students must be enrolled in full-time financial aid units and have received a full-time Cal Grant disbursement at a California Community College.
The award amount was $1,298 per semester (12-14.5 units) and $4,000 per semester (15 or more units) for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Foster youth may be eligible for up to $5,250 for full-time enrollment.
The SSCG is limited by the availability of state funding during the academic year.
Student Eligibility:
Be a dependent or a spouse of California Peace Officer employed by public entities, who has been killed in the performance of duty or totally disabled as a result or caused by external violence or physical force incurred in the performance of duty.
- Be enrolled in a minimum of six (6) units in the LACCD.
- Demonstrate financial need as determined by the Financial Aid Office at your college.
- The grant will be in an amount equal to the amount provided to a student who has been awarded a Cal Grant. Awards may be used for tuition and fees, books, supplies, and living expenses. For more information and to obtain an application:
- Go to California Student Aid Commission Programs or email specialized@csac.ca.gov.
- Call the CSAC Specialized Programs Branch at (888) 224-7268, option #3 or
- Submit a request in writing to: California Student Aid Commission Specialized Programs, P.O. Box 419029, Rancho Cordova, California 95741-9029
The California Chafee Grant is a federally funded grant administered by CSAC. It provides assistance to current or former foster youth under the age of 26 as of July 1st of the award year, and dependent or ward of the court between 16 and 18 with financial need, to use for college courses or vocational school training. Eligible students may receive up to $5,000 per academic year.
Chaffee Grant Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Standards
A student who loses eligibility may appeal the loss of the Chafee Grant during any subsequent term following the loss of eligibility. A Chafee Grant student will receive a written notice of the process for appealing the loss of a Chafee Grant.
A Chafee Grant recipient will be automatically reinstated for financial aid eligibility if a student’s one of the following applies.
- The student achieves either a 2.0 GPA during the previous term or a cumulative GPA of 2.0.
- The student demonstrates the existence of an extenuating circumstance that impeded successful course completion in the past but that has since been addressed such that the student is likely to demonstrate satisfactory academic progress in the future.
- The student provides evidence of engagement with a supportive program, either on or off campus that is assisting the student to make continued academic progress.
If a Chafee recipient student subsequently fails to meet SAP standards for a third consecutive semester (or equivalent) the student must check with the financial aid office to update their plan in order to receive their remaining Chafee Grant funds. A student who fails to update their plan or who fails to meet SAP for a fourth semester (or equivalent) loses eligibility for subsequent awards but may appeal to retain eligibility.
A student who loses Chafee eligibility due to SAP or who withdraws for one or more terms regains eligibility for a Chafee Grant upon reenrollment.
To learn more about this program and to apply, visit the California Chafee Grant for Foster Youth or call (888) 224-7268, or email your questions to studentsupport@csac.ca.gov with “Attn: Chafee” in the subject line, or write the commission or mail your application to:
California Student Aid Commission
Specialized Programs Operation Branch
Attn: California Chafee Grant Program
P.O. Box 419029
Rancho Cordova, California 95741-9029
The Learning-Aligned Employment Program (LAEP) offers eligible students the opportunity to earn money to help defray their educational costs while gaining education-aligned, career-related employment. Eligible students are from an underrepresented background and meet all the following criteria:
- Be enrolled in a minimum of six (6) financial aid eligible units in the LACCD.
- California resident
- Satisfactory academic progress in a program leading to a degree or certificate.
- Demonstrated financial need as determined by the Financial Aid office at your Home School.
- Eligibility to work in the United States Priority will be given to eligible students who are first generation college students, current/former foster youth, homeless, or at risk of being homeless.
Further priority will be given to eligible students majoring in a science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) discipline. For more information and to obtain an application: Go to Learning-Aligned Employment Program or email laep@csac.ca.gov.
The CNG EAAP is a program for active members in the California National Guard, the State Military Reserve, or the Naval Militia designed to provide an educational incentive to improve skills, competencies and abilities. To qualify, you must:
- Be an active member who has served two (2) years in the California National Guard, the State Military Reserve, or the Naval Militia;
- Agree to remain an active member throughout the participation period in the program.
- Agree to use the award to obtain a certificate, degree, or diploma that you currently do not possess.
- Be enrolled in, registered at, or accepted to a qualifying institution.
- Agree to maintain enrollment of a minimum of three (3) academic units per semester, or the equivalent, at a qualifying institution.
- Agree to maintain at least 2.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA); and
- Be a resident of California for at least one year. For more information, go to California Military Department GI Bill Award Program.
CalKIDS is a program that helps children in California get access to higher education, especially those traditionally in underserved communities. Eligible beneficiaries are identified by the California Department of Public Health and the California Department of Education. To be eligible for CalKIDS, participants must be:
- Born in California on or after July 1, 2023; or
- An eligible low-income public-school student in grades 1-12 in California.
All participants receive a seed deposit in a CalKIDS account to help pay for future education after high school. Eligible children include newborns and low-income public-school students, 1st-12th grade.
Please note: CalKIDS receives information on newborns approximately 90 days after birth is registered with California Department of Public Health.
Eligible newborns receive:
- $25 seed deposit in a CalKIDS account.
- $25 deposit in your CalKIDS account when you Register on the Program online portal.
- $50 deposit in your CalKIDS account when you link a new or existing ScholarShare 529 college savings account to your CalKids account.
Low-income Public-School Students, 1st–12th Grade
California public school students identified as lowincome, as defined by the Local Control Funding Formula, enrolled in 1st through 12th grades during the 2022-2023 academic year and, beginning in Fall 2023, all incoming low-income public school first graders will be automatically enrolled in CalKIDS. Eligible low-income public-school students receive:
- $500 automatic deposit in a CalKIDS account for eligible low-income public-school students
- $500 additional deposit in a CalKIDS account for eligible students identified as foster youth
- $500 additional deposit in a CalKIDS account for eligible students identified as homeless
For questions regarding student eligibility, please confirm with your school or school district that the student was enrolled on Fall census day (October 6, 2022) in grades 1-12, is identified as low-income eligible by the Local Control Funding Formula, and that this information was reported to the California Department of Education.
*Final seed deposits and financial incentives are subject to change and approval by the ScholarShare Investment Board. For more information and to register your account, please visit CalKIDS.
The California Dream Act Service Incentive Grant Program (DSIG) encourages California Dream Act Applicant (CADAA) students with a Cal Grant A award that met Cal Grant B eligibility or a Cal Grant B award to perform community or volunteer service. The California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) will award up to $4,500 per academic year (up to $2,250 per semester) to 1,667 eligible students. The grant will be available to the student for up to 8 semesters while they have an active Cal Grant A or B award.
Students must also meet Satisfactory Academic Progress and complete any necessary verification for their Cal Grant award. Students will need to apply annually to participate in DSIG. To learn more about this program and to apply, visit California Dream Act Service Incentive Grant Program or email dsig@csac.ca.gov. Throughout the year, each campus receives announcements about scholarship opportunities.
The focus of each scholarship is different. Some scholarships require good grades, some require financial need, and some are awarded to students who are majoring in certain areas. Contact your Financial Aid Office for more information.
The Federal TRIO Programs are federal outreach programs designed to identify and provide services to low-income, first-generation college student, and individuals with disabilities evidencing academic need. They were created to motivate these students towards the successful completion of their postsecondary education. Students must be either a US citizen or permanent resident. Not all LACCD colleges participate in this program, please check with your campus.
The EOP&S Program is designed primarily for the recruitment and retention of students affected by social, economic, education, or language disadvantages. EOP&S services include grants and book loans; educational, personal, and career counseling; personal development courses; college survival skills; cultural awareness activities; career workshops; and field trips to four-year colleges and universities. Criteria for EOP&S students:
- Be currently receiving a CCPG (Method A or B).
- be educationally disadvantaged, meet your campus enrollment requirements.
- have completed less than 70 units or 6 consecutive semesters.
- and be a California resident (or AB540 student).
The mission of Next Up is to provide additional services and support to eligible current or former foster youth. The Next Up program is administered by the EOP&S Office at your campus. Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (CARE) CARE is a state funded support service for single parents receiving public assistance who have children under the age of 14. Services include:
- books and supplies,
- cash grants,
- child care,
- auto repair reimbursement,
- meal tickets,
- auto gas cards,
- parking permits,
- bus/tokens,
- parenting workshops,
- counseling series,
- and on and off-campus referrals.
Not all services are offered at all colleges within the LACCD. GAIN/California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs)
CalWORKS is a welfare program that gives cash aid and services to eligible needy families. The Greater Avenues for Independence (GAIN) program provides employment related services to CalWORKs participants. This is a state program that provides an educational environment where the student may develop the needed vocational skills to enhance his/her job market value. Services offered include job development, child-care, counseling, books, paid work-study and other support services.
Programs offered include General Equivalency Diploma (GED), Adult Basic Education, ESL classes, and vocational classes such as Office Administration, Child Development, Home Health Aide, and Culinary Arts. AmeriCorps By becoming a volunteer with one of the AmeriCorps programs, you may earn up to $6,495 a year for college. To claim your award or learn more, visit AmeriCorps.
The California College Promise program provides up to two years of FREE enrollment to all full-time (12 units or more) students graduating from an approved California high school and who have not previously attended college. Included in this program are priority enrollment, placement in math and English courses required to succeed in college and career support and counseling.
Fees covered under the CCPG will not be covered under the CCPP. To receive more information on the specific requirements, contact the application specialist at your college.