Student Services at LAMC

Phone: (818) 364-7700

At Los Angeles Mission College, we do everything we can to help our students succeed. That's why we provide a supportive learning environment that includes Financial Aid, CounselingDisabled Student Programs and Services (DSPS), Veterans Resources, and Health Services.

Pathway Coaches

Every Los Angeles Mission College student has access to a success coach to support you throughout your educational journey.

Our coaches can assist you with any question you may have about your Pathway, and they can also help with financial aid, admissions & records, or enrolling in classes. Simply find your Pathway from the list below and connect with your coach today!

If you don't know your Pathway or haven't declared one yet, you can speak with a coach on Zoom from 9:30 am to 4 pm, Monday through Friday, or email, and someone will reply back shortly.

Speak with a Coach on Zoom

Michael Griggs
Phone: (818) 833-3328 ext. 7207
Location: Campus Center Lower Level

Speak With Michael Online

Dara De Loera
Phone: (818) 364-7622
Location: Financial Aid Office

Speak With Dara Online

Valerie Loy
Phone: (818) 364-7877
Location: Campus Center Lower Level – Veterans Resource Center

Speak With Valerie Online

Michael Griggs
Phone: (818) 833-3328 ext. 7207
Location: Campus Center Lower Level

Speak With Michael Online

Estefani Sanson
Phone: (818) 364-7614
Location: Campus Center Lower Level & CMS Student Services Annex

Speak With Estefani Online

Cesar Contreras
Phone: (818) 364-7600 ext. 7206
Location: Campus Center Lower Level & CMS Student Services Annex

Speak With Cesar Online

April Ramirez
Phone: (818) 364-7600 ext. 7207
Location: Campus Center Lower Level

Speak With April Online

Online Services

Most of our student services are available online via Cranium Cafe. After you select a department, simply look to see if there is an available "window" to connect with a representative.

Online Services

Welcome Center

The Welcome Center is open Monday through Friday, with staff available to help students apply for admission, register for classes, provide assistance in resetting their student portal passwords & navigating their student portal, access college resources, and navigate the campus. Visit the Welcome Center

Connect Through Zoom