The Office of the President
President’s Message:
On behalf of our faculty, staff and administrators, it is my great pleasure to welcome you to Los Angeles Mission College—bienvenidos! We are eager to support you and ensure that you succeed in achieving your educational goals, both on campus and at our off-site location in Pacoima.
Whether your goal is transferring to a four-year college, earning a degree, or earning a certificate that will improve your job opportunities, we’re here to help! We offer transfer degrees, Associate and Bachelors degrees, and short-term certificates in high-demand for good-paying fields like Allied Health, Child and Family Studies, Culinary Arts, Digital Media, Informational Technology, and Paralegal Studies.
Additionally, we offer an expanding adult education program that can help you earn a GED (high-school equivalency diploma), master English as a second language, or sharpen your job or life skills.
The entire L.A. Mission College family is committed to your success. We continue to create new events and activities because we know that college is not just about studying, transferring, or completing a certificate. L.A. Mission College is where you get inspired and discover a greater you!
I wish you an exciting, productive, and immensely successful time here at Mission.
Armida Ornelas, PhD