Land Surveying Equipment

Land Surveying Programs

Land Surveying


Land Surveying Technician I (M039524D)

This career technical education pathway is the first level of the Land Surveying Technician program. It aims to prepare the prospective employees to meet and exceed employer’s expectations in engineering land surveying related fields. Completion of the program will enable the individuals to start a career in land surveying.

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon completion, students will be able to:

• Demonstrate the ability to use surveying apparatus.

• Solve basic plane surveying related problems.



Course Units
CS 101*  - Introduction to Computer Science 3
DRAFT 016  - Blueprint Reading I 2
EGD TEK 101  - Engineering Graphics 3
EGD TEK 111†  - 2-D Computer-Aided Drafting 3
ENG SUP 121†  - Plane Surveying I 3
ENG SUP 200  - Business Practices for Land Surveyors & Civil Engineers 1
ENGLISH 101  - College Reading & Composition I 3
IND TEK 103  - Technical Writing and Communication 2
MATH 242 - Math for Land Surveyors and Drafters OR MATH 240 -  Trigonometry OR MATH 240S Trigonometry with Support 1 or 3 or 4
Total 21 - 25

*Course can be substituted with CIS 101 Introduction to Computers and Their Uses.

† This course has a prerequisite or corequisite.

Program Mapper



Land Surveying Technician II (M039535D)

This career technical education pathway is the level two of the Land Surveying Technician program, designed to further the individuals’ knowledge in plane surveying. The program aims to prepare the prospective employees for LSIT, Land Surveyor-in-training certification.

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon completion, students will be able to:

• Demonstrate the ability to use surveying apparatus.

• Solve advanced plane surveying related problems using critical thinking.




Course Units
The courses listed  above for Land Surveying Technician I and the additional courses listed below 21 - 25
ENG SUP 221†  - Plane Surveying II 3
ENG SUP 224  - Land Surveyor-In-Training (LSIT) Review Course 2
ENG SUP 225  - Boundary Control for Surveyors 2
Total 28 - 32

† This course has a prerequisite or corequisite.

Program Mapper


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