Sexual Assault Prevention



Sexual Assault Prevention

One step to creating a safer environment is for both men and women to begin clearly and openly communicating about what they want and do not want sexually.

  • Examine your needs and desires before you get into a sexual situation.
  • Clearly tell your partner what you want. If there are limits you want to maintain, state what they are and stick to them.
  • Clearly ask your partner what he/she wants.

  • Avoid secluded places.
  • Tell someone where you are going and have a way to get home.
  • Know your limits and observe them. Alcohol and drugs impair everyone perception and judgment.
  • Trust your instincts. If you feel something is wrong, do not ignore your feelings.
  • Use a buddy system when you go to parties. Before you go to the party, agree with your friends when you are going to leave or under what circumstances you will leave each other.
  • Agree upon signals to give your friends that will indicate needing an escape or a way out if a situation becomes uncomfortable.
  • Do not be afraid to intervene if you think your friend is in a bad situation.

  • Walk with others after dark. Avoid shortcuts; stay on lighted walkways.
  • Vary your route.
  • Let your friends know the route you are taking and when to expect you.
  • Notice cars that pull beside you or pass you more than once.

  • Have your keys ready in your hand before you leave a safe place and definitely as you approach the car.
  • Check the back seat and passenger seat before you get into your car.
  • Always make sure you have enough gas before you leave.
  • If you suspect you are being followed, drive into a busy, well-lit establishment and call a law enforcement agency.
  • Do not stop if you see a disabled vehicle on the highway, but report it and send help for the driver.



Attention: LACCD Office for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
770 Wilshire Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90017


Angelica Toledo
Deputy Title IX Coordinator for East Los Angeles College, Los Angeles Mission College, Los Angeles Trade Technical College, Los Angeles Valley College and Van de Kamp Educational Center (inclusive of all satellite campuses)
Regional Equity & Title IX Officer and Dean
Phone: (213) 891-2315

Attention: LACCD Office for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
770 Wilshire Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90017

Brittany Grice
District Title IX Coordinator
Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Phone: (213) 891-2315

Los Angeles Area
Valley Trauma Center CSULA
14651 Oxnard st.
Van Nuys, CA 91411

Valley Trauma Center CSULA
Phone: (818) 787-9700
Strength United

19900 Plummer St.
Chatsworth, CA 91311

David H. Fox
Counseling Center Phillips Graduate University
Phone: (818) 861-6627
Counseling Center:
Phone: (818) 386-5615


Domestic Violence Hotline
Phone: (800) 978-3600

Stalking Hotline
877 633-0044

National Domestic Violence Hotline
Phone: (800) 799-SAFE (7233)

Click here for additional resources.

Generally, the quickest and most accessible way to seek help for a Title IX-related concern at (College) is to contact your Title IX Coordinator.

Complaint Form
For additional resources click here