Basic Needs Week
Thursday, March 16, 2023
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm Public Event Basic Needs Week
Join us in the Campus Center from 12–2 pm Monday through Thursday for our first annual Basic Needs Week. Each day we will be highlighting a specific need that our Basic Needs Center supports.
Thursday's theme is Mental Health.
Several of our community partners will be on hand to inform, answer questions, and walk you through their services.
Our Dream Resource Center, Foster Youth Program, and the L.A. City Department of Public Health will also be there with information, and our success coaches will be able to assist students with financial aid information and applications.
Community partners in attendance on Friday include:
- The Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA)
- Center for Living
- Employment Development Department
- Work Source
- Live Scan (FREE with a completed waiver)
- Professional headshot services will be available
For more information, contact