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Honors Program

Honors Program

Los Angeles Mission College (LAMC) has agreements with universities and colleges that give students who participate in the honors program various transfer application advantages, the most important being priority admission.

If you are interested in transferring to UCLA, we have a special honors transfer program called the UCLA Transfer Alliance/Honors Program (TAP). Approximately 77% of our Certified Honors Students are accepted into UCLA (vs. less than 20% of non-certified students that are accepted).

Benefits of joining Honors:

  • Transcripts that reflect participation in the program.
  • Regular opportunities for interaction and individual conferences with faculty mentors and program director.
  • Individualized counseling with an Honors Counselor. 
  • Recognition at LAMC Graduation ceremony with medallion.
  • Opportunities to meet guest speakers and attend special events.
  •  Honors Transfer Council of California membership – LAMC partners with many additional campuses.

For details about our agreements with other universities, see the Honors Transfer Agreements section below.

Applying to the Honors Program

These are general guidelines, if you do not meet a specific requirement but would like to be able to participate in the Honors Program, please contact honors@lamission.edu to discuss your particular situation.

  • Current LAMC students: must be eligible for English 101 and have completed 12 transferable units with a GPA of 3.25 or higher.
  • High School Seniors: must have a high school GPA of 3.5 or higher.

How to Apply:

Step One: Please complete the form below

Step Two: Complete and email the following three items to honors@lamission.edu or deliver a paper copy to CMS 243 (East Campus)

  1. Letter of recommendation from a faculty member.
  2. A 500-word essay: Personal Statement
  3. Unofficial transcripts

Honors Program Application

UCLA Transfer Alliance/Honors Program (TAP)

The Los Angeles Mission College Transfer Alliance/Honors Program (TAP) is designed for motivated students who plan on transferring to a four-year college or university. It consists of academically enriched general education courses in which both written expression and the critical analysis of ideas are stressed. The TAP program offers participating students priority admissions to UCLA and additional opportunities at other universities. Both current and new students may apply to be part of the TAP program.

Interested students should put together a packet that includes unofficial transcripts, a personal statement, faculty recommendation and a completed application that can be accessed through the forms link. Students will complete 15 honors units with a 3.25 grade average, and honors designation will appear on students' transcripts. For each honors course, students will complete a research project or paper designed in collaboration with the Honors Director Dr. Mike Fenton and the faculty member teaching the course. Please visit the Contract Procedures page for more information.

  • Priority admissions consideration to several prestigious four-year institutions, including UCLA. Admittance rates for UCLA (tabulated for Fall 2015) for TAP/Honors students was 77% versus 31% for non-TAP/Honors students!

UCLA TAP information

  • An enriched academic program allowing students to gain opportunities to pursue topics and projects of individual interest within courses taken; opportunity to gain valuable critical thinking, research and writing skills; opportunities to explore interdisciplinary approaches to course topics.
  • Assistance in the transfer process.
  • Participation in the TAP/Honors program increases admittance to the alternate major, when both the initial and alternate major are impacted.
  • UCLA Library Card.You have a choice of two different UCLA library cards:
    1. A FREE card for use in the College Library only. The College Library is located in the Powell Library Building.
    2. A FEE card that costs $25 for 6 months (or $50 for one year) and allows you to check out books from any of the UCLA Libraries.

All Other Universities: Honors Transfer Agreements

The Honors Transfer Council of California was created to promote academic excellence, stimulate creative intellectual thinking and discussions of academic issues among students and faculty, increase awareness of current social issues, encourage community service, celebrate cultural diversity, and prepare students for successful university transfer.

LAMC Membership in the Honors Transfer Council of California allows our students to participate in many honors agreements and attend the annual Honors Students Research Conference at UC Irvine, and the primary benefit is priority admission. To learn more about the Honors Transfer Council of California and the programs, agreements, priority admission, scholarships, and other activities they offer to our students.

The universities and colleges that offer honors program transfer agreements and priority admission to those students who complete all requirements at the time of application for transfer are:

  • California State University Honors Programs
  • Chapman University
  • CSU Global
  • Concordia University Irvine
  • La Sierra University
  • Loyola Marymount University
  • Mount Saint Mary’s
  • Occidental College
  • Pomona College
  • Scripps
  • UCLA (TAP)
  • University of Arizona
  • University of California, Irvine
  • University of California, Riverside
  • University of La Verne
  • University of Michigan
  • University of San Diego
  • University of San Francisco
  • Whittier College
  • Yale

For a complete list of participating colleges and universities, please visit the Honors Transfer Council of California website.

Each University or College listed above has specific requirements and guidelines and each offers varying additional advantages outside of priority admission for students who complete the Honors Program requirements described. These advantages may include priority for housing, scholarships and other benefits.

Contact Us

Honors Program Team: honors@lamission.edu

Mike Fenton, Ph.D.
Email: FentonMS@lamission.edu