Student Walking to Culinary Arts Institute


Restaurant Management

Restaurant Management

Chefs in Kitchen

Program Description

Gainful Employment Disclosures - Restaurant Management​

The certificate program is designed to train and prepare students for careers in all aspects of the culinary arts and hospitality
fields. The design of the program is balanced between developing the culinary tactile skills of food preparation and the management qualities necessary for career growth.

Successful students will be prepared to work as prep cooks, line cooks, sous chefs, and kitchen managers in a wide range of food service setting, such as restaurants, hotels, catering operations, and institutional kitchens. The program will focus on cooking skills development, problem solving, supervision, kitchen management skills and challenging students to critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of culinary operations and identify entrepreneurial approaches to restaurant operations.

Program Learning Outcomes Upon completion, students will be able to:

Culinary Art Class
  • Demonstrate station organization, purchasing, storage, menu writing, and sanitation principles as they apply to food handling
  • Use classic cooking terminology and methods, apply health and safety standards
  • Demonstrate skill and apply professional industry standards in food handling, dining room & beverage service, baking and food service, and use of kitchen equipment and tools
  • Demonstrate responsibility and team skills for the food service industry
  • Describe career opportunities within the food industry and strategize own career
  • Critique, assess and improve one’s own performance, listening skills and communication
  • Skills for personal, academic and career purposes
  • Recognize the diversity of cultural influences and values related to a professional culinary environment
  • Think critically in evaluating information, solving problems, and making decisions related to food preparation and food service.


ClnArt 50 Sanitation & Safety (2 Units)
ClnArt 60 Culinary Arts Orientation & Techniques (4 Units)
ClnArt 101 Culinary Fundamentals I (4 Units)
ClnArt 103 Culinary Nutrition (2 Units)
ClnArt 104 Dining Room & Beverage Management (4 Units)
ClnArt 105 Menu Planning (2 Units)
ClnArt 106 Purchasing & Receiving (3 Units)
ClnArt 107 Principles of Garde Manger & Basic Baking (4 Units)
ClnArt 108 Restaurant Supervision & Training (2 Units)
ClnArt 109 Principles of Catering (4 Units)
ClnArt 155 Chefs Training for Apprenticeship II (2 Units)
Mgmt 2 Organization & Management Theory (3 Units)
Mgmt 13 Small Business Entrepreneurship (3 Units)
Bus 5 Business Law I (3 Units)

Total Units: 42

Contact Us


Sheila Money, Secretary, Culinary Arts
Phone: (818) 364-7756

For more information please contact the Culinary Department