Students Chilling Out

Chicano Studies


Course Descriptions

Chicano 2

Prerequisite: None | Lecture 3 hrs

This course introduces students to the major characteristics of the Chicano community, with special emphasis on culture, ethnicity, gender, language, nationality, race, religion, and social class distinctions which differentiate Chicano's from other ethnic groups in the present-day United States.

Chicano 7

Prerequisite: None | Lecture 3 hrs

United States history viewed through the experience of Mexican-descended peoples. Traces their evolution from pre-Columbian times to the end of the US War against Mexico. Examines the contributions of Mexican communities to the development and growth of the United States.

Chicano 8

Prerequisite: None | Lecture 3 hrs

This course examines the Mexican-American historical experience from the nineteenth century to the present. It discusses the impact of U.S. Constitutional Law on the social, economic and political conditions of Mexican-Americans living in the United States.

Chicano 19

Prerequisite: None | Lecture 3 hrs

A survey of the history of Mexico from Pre-Columbian times to the present. Covers ancient Mexican civilizations, the European invasion and Spanish colonial period, Independence, the War with the US, the Mexican Revolution, Zapatistas, the 20th century, to the present.

Chicano 20

Prerequisite: None | Lecture 3 hrs

A survey of the political, economic, social, cultural and intellectual history of Mexicans on the Pacific Coast from Pre-Columbian times, through the Spanish Colonial era, the Mexican period, and to the Euro-American presence. Special emphasis will be placed on California.

Chicano 37

Prerequisite: None | Lecture 3 hrs Same as Spanish 46 (Not offered at LAMC)

An analysis of the literary, social, and historical aspects of essay, novel, drama, short story, and poetry written by Chicano writers who seek to define themselves and their communities within an American social context.

Chicano 42

Prerequisite: None | Lecture 3 hrs Same as Spanish 12 (Not offered at LAMC)

This course reviews the major literary trends in Mexico from the Mexican Revolution through the early 21st century. The course covers contemporary literary trends from Indigenismo to Postmodernism, and genres including poetry, theater, fiction, literary theory, biography and autobiography.

Chicano 44

Prerequisite: None | Lecture 3 hrs Same as Spanish 16 (Not offered at LAMC)

This course examines the origins, establishment, and expansion of civilization and culture in Mexico and Meso-America. Course analyzes its evolution from pre-Columbian times to the early twenty-first century, and assesses the impact of the European and Euro-American invasions.

Chicano 46

Prerequisite: None | Lecture 3 hrs

Introduction to conventional studies of Chicano/ Mexicano folklore. Students will analyze and evaluate the various folklore genres: myths, legends, folktales, folk medicine, folk speech, and related topics in both a historical and contemporary social context.

Chicano 47

Prerequisite: None | Lecture 3 hrs

Examines the socio-historical development of Chicanas in the U.S. It analyzes issues relating to feminism, gender politics, history, and community activism. The class assesses specific social issues which are central to the Chicana experience.

Chicano 52

Prerequisite: None | Lecture 3 hrs

A survey of the art of Mexico from the nineteenth century to the present, including the renaissance of indigenous Mexican art, the evolution of a MexicanAmerican art, and the cultural interplay between the United States and Mexico.

Chicano 54

Prerequisite: None | Lecture 3 hrs

A study of Mexican and Mexican American arts, literature, and music. Particular emphasis is given to the identification of the contributions of Mexican and Mexican American artists to the contemporary culture of the United States.

Chicano 57

Prerequisite: None | Lecture 3 hrs

This course examines how film industry has depicted Chicanas and Chicanos through the medium of film from the early twentieth century to present day. Students analyze and interpret the techniques, contents, and historical context of relevant films. Analysis of the image of the Chicana and Chicano as presented in films and documentaries are summarized and interpreted by students.

Chicano 58

Prerequisite: None | Lecture 3 hrs

Focuses on Latin American folk dance appreciation, studying dance as culture, and how each region manifests its traditions, history, and lifestyle as expressed through movement. Students explore and analyze folk dances and how they are reflected by the worldview of people who practice them. They also analyze symbolic movements from selected dances to recognize the quality of movement and the relationship between religious and secular dances.

Chicano 71

Prerequisite: None | Lecture 3 hrs

A history of Chicanos in Los Angeles. It examines their role in Los Angeles political, economic, social, cultural, and intellectual history. It covers the period from the Native American era to the present.


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Contact Us

Office Hours and Location

Mondays to Fridays: 8:00AM - 5:00PM
Saturdays to Sundays: Closed

Chicano Studies Department
Instructional Building 1001


John J. Morales, Department Chair
Phone: (818) 364-7679